Source code for xmodaler.functional.func_feats

# Copyright 2021, Inc., JD AI
@author: Yehao Li
import itertools
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence

[docs]def pad_tensor(tensor, padding_value, use_mask): if isinstance(tensor[0], list): tensor = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(tensor)) out = pad_sequence(tensor, batch_first=True, padding_value=padding_value) if use_mask: lengths = [t.size(0) for t in tensor] max_lengths = max(lengths) mask = torch.zeros((out.size(0), max_lengths), dtype=torch.float32) for i, length in enumerate(lengths): mask[i, 0:length] = 1 return out, mask else: return out
[docs]def dict_to_cuda(input_dict): for key in input_dict: if isinstance(input_dict[key], list): input_dict[key] = [ val.cuda() for val in input_dict[key]] else: input_dict[key] = input_dict[key].cuda()
[docs]def dict_as_tensor(input_dict): for key in input_dict: if isinstance(input_dict[key], str): continue elif isinstance(input_dict[key], list): input_dict[key] = [torch.as_tensor(x) for x in input_dict[key]] else: input_dict[key] = torch.as_tensor(input_dict[key])
[docs]def boxes_to_locfeats(boxes, image_w, image_h): image_location = np.zeros((boxes.shape[0], 5), dtype=np.float32) image_location[:, :4] = boxes image_location[:, 4] = ( (image_location[:, 3] - image_location[:, 1]) * (image_location[:, 2] - image_location[:, 0]) / (float(image_w) * float(image_h)) ) image_location[:, 0] = image_location[:, 0] / float(image_w) image_location[:, 1] = image_location[:, 1] / float(image_h) image_location[:, 2] = image_location[:, 2] / float(image_w) image_location[:, 3] = image_location[:, 3] / float(image_h) return image_location
[docs]def expand_tensor(tensor, size, dim=1): if size == 1 or tensor is None: return tensor tensor = tensor.unsqueeze(dim) if dim == 0: tensor = tensor.expand([size] + [-1] + list(tensor.shape[2:])) tensor = tensor.reshape([-1] + list(tensor.shape[2:])) else: tensor = tensor.expand(list(tensor.shape[:dim]) + [size] + list(tensor.shape[dim+1:])) tensor = tensor.reshape(list(tensor.shape[:dim-1]) + [-1] + list(tensor.shape[dim+1:])) return tensor
[docs]def iou(anchors, gt_boxes): """ anchors: (N, 4) ndarray of float gt_boxes: (K, 4) ndarray of float overlaps: (N, K) ndarray of overlap between boxes and query_boxes """ N = anchors.shape[0] K = gt_boxes.shape[0] gt_boxes_area = ( (gt_boxes[:, 2] - gt_boxes[:, 0] + 1) * (gt_boxes[:, 3] - gt_boxes[:, 1] + 1) ).reshape(1, K) anchors_area = ( (anchors[:, 2] - anchors[:, 0] + 1) * (anchors[:, 3] - anchors[:, 1] + 1) ).reshape(N, 1) boxes = np.repeat(anchors.reshape(N, 1, 4), K, axis=1) query_boxes = np.repeat(gt_boxes.reshape(1, K, 4), N, axis=0) iw = ( np.minimum(boxes[:, :, 2], query_boxes[:, :, 2]) - np.maximum(boxes[:, :, 0], query_boxes[:, :, 0]) + 1 ) iw[iw < 0] = 0 ih = ( np.minimum(boxes[:, :, 3], query_boxes[:, :, 3]) - np.maximum(boxes[:, :, 1], query_boxes[:, :, 1]) + 1 ) ih[ih < 0] = 0 ua = anchors_area + gt_boxes_area - (iw * ih) overlaps = iw * ih / ua return overlaps
def get_max_len_from_mask(mask): return int(mask.sum(1).max().item())
[docs]def clip_v_inputs(v_feats, spatials, image_mask): max_len = get_max_len_from_mask(image_mask) v_feats = v_feats[:, :max_len] spatials = spatials[:, :max_len] image_mask = image_mask[:, :max_len] return v_feats, spatials, image_mask
[docs]def clip_t_inputs(input_txt, segment_ids, input_mask): max_len = get_max_len_from_mask(input_mask) input_txt = input_txt[:, :max_len] segment_ids = segment_ids[:, :max_len] input_mask = input_mask[:, :max_len] return input_txt, segment_ids, input_mask