Use Models

Models (and their sub-models) in X-modaler are built by the function build_model:

from xmodaler.modeling import build_model
cfg = ... # read the config
model = build_model(cfg)

build_model only builds the model structure and fills it with random parameters defined in the given config (cfg). See below for how to load an existing checkpoint to the model and how to use the model object.

Load/Save a Checkpoint

Users need to specify the path of the checkpoint to load by setting the argument MODEL.WEIGHTS in the given config (cfg):

from xmodaler.checkpoint import XmodalerCheckpointer
checkpointer = XmodalerCheckpointer(model, cfg.OUTPUT_DIR)
checkpointer.resume_or_load(cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS, resume=True) # load a checkpoint"model_00") # save model

Use a Model

A model can be called by outputs = model(inputs), where inputs is the batched output of dataloader. Each item in the dict inputs corresponds to a batch of images/videos and the required inputs depend on the type of model and task.

Training: When in training mode, all models are required to be used under an EventStorage. The training statistics will be put into the storage:

with EventStorage(start_iter) as
    outputs_dict = model(inputs) 
    losses = loss(outputs_dict)

You can run inference directly like this:

with torch.no_grad():
    outputs = model(inputs)